Can anybody help with this Business and Administration Information Technology homework please.

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answer 3, Databane 4. In the big data era, Newto and Nerpret data is more important how to collect data. s. Analyzing data paterns within the big data and turning them into actionable knowledge 8 Predictive modeling, Rreoastrg and optimization are traditional ERP solutions True 7. The main objective business intelligenoe (B) systems is to support effective decision-making rather than emioient business transaction processing 8. Customer name and purchasing data tor example, Scott Bible, $300, Apple mini iPad, April 4 2015 is a typical example of META data 9. Data mart is an Enterprise-wide database that stores consistent integrated and historical data to support all business units 10. A local area network (LAN connects multiple communicating devices in a limited geographica area and multiple LANs can be connect to WAN. 11, Bandwidth is a network capacity for data transmission, measured by bits per second. 12. TCPAP is a specific type of device or computer to send data through Internet. False 13, Domain Name System (DNS) server maps IP address to a name (URL). False

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