Can someone please help me with these?

Question 1

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 33

B) 34

C) 35

D) 36

Question 2

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {



    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 42

B) 43

C) 44

D) 45

Question 3

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {





    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 65

B) 56

C) 23

D) 43

Question 4

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num1Par);


A) 33

B) 46

C) 64

D) 65

Question 5

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 4;

    int num2 = 3;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num1Par);


A) 81

B) 80

C) 79

D) 77

Question 6

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 2;

    int num2 = 2;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,pow(num1Par,num2Par));


A) 14

B) 15

C) 16

D) 13

Question 7

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

  int num1 = 18;

  int num2 = 2;

   cout << modIt(num1, num2);

   return 0;


int modIt(int num1Par, int num2Par) {

  return num1Par % num2Par;


A) 2

B) -1

C) 1

D) 0

Question 8

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

  int num1 = 1234561;

  int num2 = 2;

   cout << modIt(num1, num2);

   return 0;


int modIt(int num1Par, int num2Par) {

  return num1Par % num2Par;


A) 4

B) 3

C) 2

D) 1

Question 9

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int aSide = 3;

    int bSide = 4;

    myFunction (aSide, bSide);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << sqrt(pow(num1Par,2.0) + pow(num2Par, 2.0));


A) 5555

B) 555

C) 55

D) 5

Question 10

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num2Par);


A) 245

B) 256

C) 222

D) 652

Question 11

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << sqrt(num2Par);


A) 5

B) 4

C) 3

D) 2

Question 12

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    cout << (num1 * num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 1234

B) 3412

C) 1423

D) 2345

Question 13

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    num1 = myFunction (num1, num2);

    cout << num1;

    return 0;


int myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;

    return (num1Par * num2Par);


A) 1234

B) 3412

C) 4312

D) 3222

Question 14

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

   int num1 = 3;

   double num2 = 4.0;

   num1 = gradeIt(num2);

   cout << num1;

   return 0;


int gradeIt (double scorePar) {

   if (scorePar >= 60.0)

        return 1;


        return -1;


A) 2

B) 1

C) 0

D) -1

Question 15

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    double num2 = 4.0;

    string message = “”;

    cout << gradeIt(num2);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

    if (scorePar < 60.0)

        return “Passed”;


        return “Failed”;


A) Passed

B) Failed

C) PassedFailed

D) none of the above

Question 16

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

 double num2 = 4.0;

 string message = “”;

 cout << gradeIt(pow(20, num2));

 return 0;


string gradeIt(double scorePar) {

 if (scorePar > 60.0)

    return “Passed”;


    return “Failed”;


A) Passed

B) Failed

C) Pass

D) Fail

Question 17

What will be assigned to variable message given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 5;

    double num3 = 6.0;

    string message = “”;

    message = gradeIt(num2) + gradeIt(num1, num2);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

    if (scorePar < 60.0)

        return “Passed”;


        return “Failed”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    if (num1Par > 3 && num2Par > 3)

        return “YES”;


        return “NO”;


A) PassedNO

B) PassedYES

C) Passed


Question 18

What will be assigned to variable statement given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 5;

    double num3 = 6.7;

    string statement = “CS”;

    statement = gradeIt(num2, num3);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

  if (scorePar < 60.0)

      return “Passed”;


      return “Failed”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    if (num1Par > 3 && num2Par > 3)

        return “YES”;


        return “NO”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, double num2Par) {

    return to_string(num1Par * (int)num2Par);


A) 20

B) 30

C) 40

D) 50

Question 19

What will be assigned to variable output given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    double num1 = 3;

    double num2 = 5;

    int num3 = 9;

    string output = “CS”;

    output = output + modIt(num3) + modIt(num1, num2);

    return 0;


string modIt(int num3Par) {

    return to_string(num3Par) + “ABC”;


string modIt (double num1Par, double num2Par) {

    return “CS225”;



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