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Please post the one-page essay (400-500 words) under this posting by 11:59 PM, Friday, February 1. It is expected that students demonstrate their understanding of the subject by presenting (1) key takeaways, interesting aspects, and business implications (10 points) and (2) presenting 2 specific discussion questions based on your writing (5 points). To post your essay, you need to click the title of this posting and then click the “Create Thread” button. It means you don’t have to submit a Word document.

For your discussion credits (5 points), please take some time to read your friends’ essays and questions. Then post possible solutions, any feedback and/or interesting findings by making 2 comments on the original essay. You are always welcome to make comments on any postings here.

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me anytime.

Looking forward to reading your insightful thoughts and questions soon.

Good luck

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