In the videos, you saw three examples of concept sketches. They each illustrate different ways to construct concept sketches starting with either a picture or a definition as a prompt.  The water cycle and the divergent boundary concept sketches illustrate the important processes using a single figure while the unconformity concept sketch uses several panels to illustrate how the system evolves with time.

In this activity, you’ll create two concept sketches: 1) a sketch of the Cascadia subduction zone, and 2) a multi-panel sketch showing the formation and evolution of the Crater Lake caldera over time. Your sketches must be hand drawn. Be sure to carefully annotate your sketches, use different scales where appropriate, and don’t be afraid to use color in your illustration. They don’t need to be professional, but should simply convey as much information as necessary.

Below are a few features that you’ll want to draw and label on your sketches, but feel free to add any other relevant information to flesh out the concepts. 

· Tectonic forces (show directional arrows)

· Tectonic setting

· Role of fluids in creating magma

· Volcanic processes leading to volcanic style and shape

· Processes leading to caldera formation

· Primary volcanic products (including rock type(s))

Before submitting your uploaded files, be sure everything is clearly legible and that your files are either .png or .jpg files.

Here’s some resources I found that might be helpful, plz feel free to do your own research on them.

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