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E​‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌​SSAY ASSESSMENT: Introduction to Ecology and Conservation ESSAY QUESTION: You must write an essay on the underlined question below, supporting your arguments on scientific grounds and backing-up your claims with case-studies and cited source material. You should find the relevant material (peer-reviewed) to support your answer, using the library and journal collections of the University of Brighton and available electronic repositories (e.g. Google Scholar and Web of Science). Correct referencing is expected and over-reliance of non-peer reviewed web resources will be marked negatively. Critically discuss how conservation success is measured using evidence from case studies WORD COUNT AND FORMATTING: 2000 words (excluding references and figure/table captions, but not excluding in-text citations). Please include a word count at the end of your essay. Please ensure to follow the PABS Bioscience Formatting Guidelines (found within BY156 essay folder on Student Central – under “assessment” tab). WEIGHTING: 50% (semester 1 exam = remaining 50%) DEADLINE & SUBMISSION: Submit an anonymous electronic copy via TURNITIN on student central (under the “assessment” tab on the module page). Deadline = 10am Friday 29th March. The essay will be set within the first week of semester 2. Unauthorised late submission of your essay within two weeks after the deadline will result in your essay being capped at 40%. Unauthorised late submission beyond two weeks after the deadline will be an automatic fail of this assessment component. If you have applied for and been granted an extension by your (assistant) course leader, please upload your essay before your extended deadline via TURNITIN. FEEDBACK: Prompt feedback means that any assessment will be returned within 20 working days (i.e. 4 weeks) after the deadline. Essay mark and feedback will be available via Student Central/Grade Centre. LEARNING OUTCOMES ADDRESSED: ? LO4. Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental conservation biology theory ? LO5. Critically evaluate issues relating to conservation of biodiversity GRADING CRITERIA AND DESCRIPTORS: Please refer to the University of Brighton’s undergraduate grading descriptors, which will be adhered to when marking submitted essays (a PDF copy can be found within BY156 essay folder on Student Central – under “assessment” tab). The following weighting will be used: • Structure (20%) – ability to present a clear and well-written essay; • Introduction (10%) which is clearly providing relevant background information; • Content (50%) comprehensively addresses the question​‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌​ posed, drawing upon relevant conservation science theory, and provides an appropriate conclusion. • References (20%) – Is the piece embedded and informed by a wide range of relevant scientific literature, which is appropriately and consistently cited and referenced? ELEMENTS REQUIRED IN THE ESSAY: ? A clear introduction, which should move from general to specific. This is where you open with a short orientation (introduce the topic area with a general broad opening sentence or two). Set the scene for your essay and provide essential background. Make sure that the final part of your intro provides a concise overview of what your essay is addressing. ? Use logically titled sub-headings to structure the main body of your essay. Each sentence and paragraph should logically flow from one the next. Try and write in a critical rather than descriptive manner. ? A clear conclusion which should provide a concise integration and appraisal of the key points made during the main body of your text – no new info/sources should be introduced here. ? Make the essay look attractive (i.e. take care on presentation) – this makes it easier to read, and shows that you haven’t rushed it. ? Use the Harvard format of citing/referencing. Do not use the Vancouver (numbered) approach. Definitely do not combine the two! Carefully follow the PABS Bioscience Formatting Guidelines. ? Cite all references and reference all citations. ? Citations at the end of a given sentence should go before the full-stop – not afterwards. ? Try to avoid simply citing sources provided during lectures, and also try to incorporate recent research in addition to classic studies. ? Use of relevant figures and tables are encouraged, but their source needs to be fully acknowledged. Also present them correctly by giving them a figure/table number and informative title (table title above table, figure title below figure). They also need to be cited within the main text; e.g. Figure 1 shows… See PABS Bioscience Formatting Guidelines. ? Write in the 3rd person – be objective. ? Avoid super long sentences and/or overuse of commas! ? Scientific names for any species must be provided on first mention in italics and in parenthesis; e.g. grey wolf (Canis lupus). ? Keep your writing scientific and avoid colloquial language/slang. ? Avoid (over)usage of quotes – try and put your point across in your own words and cite accordingly. ? Do not use conjunctions: it is, do not rather than it’s, don’t. ? Proof-read your essay!! Get a friend, family-member etc. to help. ? Avoid plagiarism (i.e. copy-and-pasting and/or not ack​‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌​nowledging sources), which Turnitin can detect.

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