What I need:

Research and write 3000 words about the history of

( DESIGN PROCESS ) in architecture

3000 words divide into:

1) 1500 words RESENT SCHOLARSHIP ( < 5 years ):

Focusing on the history of the design process for the last five years and about the architects who talk about and do that.

( example for architects: Rem Koolhaas, Patrik Schumacher, or anyone that you find and important )

2) 1500 words HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP ( > 5 years ):

Focusing on the history of the design process for before the last five years and about the architects who talk about and started doing that.
( example for architects: Peter Eisenman, Team 10, or anyone that you find and important )

– The bibliography and the references ( Books or Articles ) are super important because this research is my thesis.

– Also, please write from where or which page of books, articles that you get the information of the paragraph or the writing that you wrote.

– And, please please write that with very very simple and easy words because my English language is not that good.

Thank you

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