Senior Medical Students A professor of Anatomy wanted to develop a multiple regression model to predict the students’ grades inher fourth-year medical course. She decides that the two most important factors are the student’s gradepoint average in the first three years and the student’s major. She proposes the model y = ,8; + [31×1 + flzxg+ flm + a, where y = Fourth-year medical course final score (out of 100), x1 = G.P.A. in first three years(range from 0 to 12), x2 = 1 if student’s major is medicine and 0 if not, and x3 = 1 if student’s major isbiology and 0 if not. The computer output is shown below. THE REGRESSION EQUATION [S y = 9.14 + 6.73×1+10.42xg + 5.16×3 Coe s = 15.0 R—Sq = 44.2%ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE a! SS MS Regression 17098 5699.333 25.386 21553 224.51038651

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