Computer Science homework help

A social media profile stands in your place to anyone who reads it. Profiles can serve any purposes; some help you catch up with friends and share information with your family. Others, however, represent you to a network of professionals, and this could hurt or hinder your career path. Today human resource professional use more  than your resume to determine how well you will fit into their company culture; it is becoming routine to complete an online search of applicants, as well. Most of us have an online presence-sometimes created by others, like your company’s website or being mentioned in a newspaper or school newsletter. There is little you can do about how you are represented by others. But you have control over how you present yourself. Who are people seeing when they are looking at your profile online?

For this Assignment you will learn to review online social media profiles and how the content of profiles can impact your professional future. You may either evaluate the sample profile or create your own professional online profile.

Draw employers with a dazzling digital  footprint. (2012, February 1). The Star (South Africa).

1- to 2-page essay review and critique of the profiles. If you were the hiring manager who reviewed these two profiles, would you hire the candidates? Why or why not?

1- to 2 page essay describing the development of your LinkedIn profile. Please include the link to your profile in your essay.

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