Question # 1 How did the government of Japan change during the Meiji restoration?

Question # 2 Describe Japan’s rationale for its westernization.

Question # 3 Describe Japan’s imperialism and militarization.


1. Capitalism fueled industrialization by

a. Requiring inventors to file patents

b. Encouraging entrepreneurs to establish businesses

c. Giving the country many natural resources

d. Ensuring all workers received high wages

2. During the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century, farmers in the United States worked to increase their land holdings and modernize their equipment. A lasting effect of these changes was

a. Higher prices for crops

b. Increased rural population density

c. A shortage of land for farming

d. Greater productivity of farming

3. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, improvements in steel technology allowed architects to be design buildings taller than had previously been possible. As a result, skyscrapers began to be built in cities such as New York and Chicago.

What was the result of this new technology on population patterns in the United States in the first half of the 20th century?

a. Decreased growth of suburban areas

b. Migration from the West to the Midwest

c. Greater population density in urban areas

d. Increased migration from urban to rural areas

4. One effect of industrialization in the United States in the late 19th century was

a. A decrease in child labor

b. An increase in demand for handicraft goods

c. A decrease in immigration to the United States

d. An increase in urbanization

5. Which innovation extended the number of hours in a day that Americans could work and play?

a. Bessemer Process

b. Telegraph technology

c. Refrigeration

d. Electricity

6. Which industry most spurred economic growth and innovation in related industries?

a. Railroads

b. Food

c. Oil

d. steel

7. Consider the following changes that occurred in the United States in the late 19th century:

· Improvements in agricultural production

· Increases in immigration from Europe

· Advancements in networks of railroad and streetcar lines.

These changes led to the

a. Rapid growth of urban areas

b. Acquisition of overseas territories

c. Elimination of large suburbs around many cities

d. Movement of people from the urban to rural areas

8. Why was the formation of labor unions an effect of U.S. industrialization in the late 1800s?

a. Union were needed to guarantee a steady supply of workers

b. Union membership was required for employment in new industries

c. Factory owners set up labor unions in order to control their large workforce

d. Unions organized industrial workers to protest unsafe working conditions and long workdays.

9. The economic development of the United States between 1870 and 1950 helped produce the results shown in the above graph. The trend shown in the graph is associated with

a. Increased urbanization

b. Decreased immigration

c. Advances in communication

d. Reduced population growth

10. As farms became mechanized,

a. Immigrants bought more land

b. More people become farmers

c. Farmers moved to urban areas

d. Farm workers became rural entrepreneurs

11. What problem arising from U.S. industrialization did the progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries want the federal government to address?

a. Use of child labor in the workplace

b. Unfair taxes on the wealthy

c. Restrictions on the use of natural resources

d. Lack of capital for railroad expansion

12. In the late 19th century, industrialization led to harsh working conditions in the United States. Which policies of the U.S. government allowed such conditions to develop and later led to the growth of labor unions to correct abuses of workers?

a. Laissez faire policies toward big business

b. Antitrust policies toward monopolies

c. Imperialist policies regarding territorial expansion

d. Isolationist policies regarding international alliance

13. As a result of industrialization in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, progressive reformers sought government regulation of business in order to

a. Control economic cycles of inflation and recession

b. Provide money for public services such as schools and libraries

c. Restore competition by limiting the power of monopolies and trusts

d. Prevent companies from moving their factories to other countries

14. What effect of 19th century industrialization in the United States is represented by the changes shown in the above graph?

a. Increased regulation of child labor

b. Modernization of agriculture

c. Decreased demand for farm products

d. Emigration from the United States

15. The appearance in many U.S. cities of department stores, organized sporting events, musical theaters and amusement parks in the last decades of the 19th century was evidence of what effect of industrialization?

a. Improved working conditions on American farms

b. The growing power of unions to negotiate benefits for their members

c. Government-sponsored programs to improve public health and education

d. An increase in the leisure time and disposable income of the urban middle class

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