A. 300 words answer 

Food for thought…..Class, what type of impact can online learning have on the environment, specifically related to energy conservation?

Please come up with your own assumptions and conduct your own evaluation.

For example, I might collect the following information to try to see how much greenhouse gas reductions could occur by having students learn online:

50 students in class

Each would normally drive 50 miles round trip, 3 days a week for 15 weeks.

Student cars average 15 miles per gallon

How many pounds of CO2 are emitted for each gallon of gas burned?

How much energy is used by a computer instead?
B.  read articles and write 1 paragraph review for each article 

What type of impact can online learning have on the environment, specifically related to energy conservation?

      Online learning is one of the witty educational options that ensures energy conservation, reduction of costs and offers a personalized experience. According to the studies, it is estimated that almost half of all students will take an online course at least one time during their lifetime. It is not only to students but also over 40% of Fortune 500 companies have engaged in providing training to their employees through use of some form of online educational technology.

     Online learning has led to significant reduction in the negative environmental impacts which resulted from manufacturing and transportation. Also one will realize that through online learning, materials that would have been used for traditional education system (such as textbooks, desks, buildings) are reduced thus leading to the reduction of waste as well as conserving natural resources. Even though stating that online learning saves money and time, is not in regards to energy conservation, but it is still important to highlight anyway.

  University of West Georgia conducted a study which revealed that for every 100 students who do not commute to school, results to reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by up to 10 tons every semester. Another study was also carried out by the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) which stated that online learning courses resulted in a 90% emission reduction. To be specific, the study revealed that the average full-time traditional student created roughly 180 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, compared to only four pounds for an online student.

  Also, let’s put it that an average American uses up to 600 gallons of gas annually. This amount of gallons is as a result of speeding, waiting in traffic and idling the car in park while texting or calling. Likewise the same gas and natural resources are wasted by students who travel every day for just a few classes. So when a student engages in online learning, he or she learns from his or her comfort of their home as well as ensuring energy conservation.

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