Assignment 4

GEO-208 (Summer 2019)

100 points (5%)

Part 1:

Questions covers Week 3 and 4

1. List layers of the earth based on:

A. Chemical composition

1. _______________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

B. Physical property

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________

2. List the three evidences/arguments that scientists use to explain the continental drift hypothesis:

1._______ ______________________________

2.________ _____________________________

3.________ _____________________________

4.________ ______________________________

3. List three significance of plate tectonic cycle.

1._______ ______________________________

2.________ _____________________________

3.________ _____________________________

4. Explain how elastic rebound theory can be used to explain why earthquakes occur.

5. Deep earthquakes are located as deep as 700 km from the earth’s surface. What is the reason for the lack of earthquakes deeper than 700km?

6. Explain the difference between the magnitude scale and intensity scales of Earthquake measurements?

Part 2:

You live in an area that has a significant earthquake hazard. There is ongoing debate as to whether an earthquake warning system should be developed. Some people ate worried that false alarms will cause a lot of problems, and others point out that the response time may not be very long.

1. What are your views?

2. Do you think it is the responsibility of public officials to finance an earthquake warning system, assuming such system is feasible?

3. What are potential implications if a warning system is not developed and a large earthquake result in damage that could have partially been avoided with a warning system in place?

Discuss the above points and comment on the current state of prediction (capability of scientists) of earthquakes in the short-term (hours to days) and long-term (years-decades)?

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