SAME SCENARIO AS PREVIOUS: Smith’s wants to improve the quality of interactions between customers and Cashiers, so they develop a 2 hour training course on the importance of customer service and techniques for improving the customer’s experience in the check-out line.  Prior to full-scale implementation of this training, Smith’s wants to make sure it works. They randomly select a n = 35 Cashiers from all Cashiers who are currently employed at Smith’s. Two weeks prior to participating in the training and two weeks following participating in the training, all the customers of Cashiers (who were selected to receive training) complete comment cards rating their satisfaction with the Cashier. The comment cards include a series of Likert scales with a total score ranging from 1-100, with higher ratings indicating more positive experiences. Before the training, the mean customer satisfaction rating for the 35 Cashiers selected to receive training was 75, after the training the mean customer satisfaction rating for those Cashiers was 90. Based on this data, Smith’s was confident that implementing the training company-wide would be a worthy investment.

Which data collection method was used for this study?

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