Shown below are factory orders in the United States over a 13- year period ($ billion). First, use the data to develop forecasts for years 6 through 13 using a 5-year moving average.

Use the data to develop forecasts for years 6 through 13 using a 5-year weighted moving average. Weight the most recent year by 6, the previous year by 4, the year before that by 2, and the other years by 1.

Show the forecast for year 13 based on the 5-year moving average?

Show the forecast for year 13 based on the 5-year weighted moving average?

year1 2,512.70

year2 2,739.20

year3 2,874.90

year4 2,934.10

year5 2,865.70

year6 2,978.50

year7 3,092.40

year8 3,052.60

year9 3,145.20

year10 3,114.10

year11 3,257.40

year12 3,654.00

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