Project 3. Topology in Geodatabase (15 points)

1. Objectives

The goal of this project is to design and create a topologically consistent geodatabase over the Purdue campus area, with the following objectives

· Digitize and edit point, line and polygon features

· Create a topologic consistent geodatabase

2. Data provided or to be used

· Tutorial for ArcGIS Editing and related data for an easy start.

· A shapefile (named as Assignment) with a number of polygons, each of which defines the working area of a classmate. Note: One classmate may be assigned to more than one polygon area.

· Indiana Stata ortho-rectified images over Purdue campus and its vicinity

· Note – you may also use the base map service provide by ArcGIS.

3. Tasks

· Build the geodatabase

· Clean/correct the provided assignment shapefile so that it is geometrically ‘accurate’ and topologically consistent

· Digitize all polygon (the land cover layer) features and linear (the street/road layer) features within your assignment area(s).

· Check/correct the topology within the landcover layer, within the street layer, and between the two layers.

4. Suggested procedure

1) Create the personal geodatabase with domain properties setup

· Define land cover types: Buildings, Water, Pavement (for Road), Parks (including large areas of lawns and trees ), Bare land (including parking and small trees and lawns etc.), Others (all as one type)

· Define Road types: Street, County Road, State Road, InterState, Others.

2) Create a feature dataset (e.g. Digitization) with spatial reference NAD 83 UTM 16N. Setup metric in meters.

3) Add relevant Esri Base Map services to ArcMap if needed

· In ArcMap, choose Add Data > Add BaseMap. You may search and choose the following service layers when needed

· County Ortho

· OpenStreetMap

· Streets_Centerlines_IDHS

4) Clean the provided Assignment shapefile by using the County Ortho as bkgrd

Project 3. Topology in geodatabase



· Import the provided Assignment shapefile as a feature class. Create a Topology for the Assignment feature class under appropriate rules.

Evaluate the topological inconsistence, if any.

· Import other data into the Digitization feature dataset as needed.

· Use Editor and Topology (under the Standard Menu bar of ArcMap) to clean the Assignment feature class

· Save the edited Assignment feature class (version 1) and re-generate its Topology (version 1).

· Repeat the above two steps (editing and topology check) until satisfactory results are reached.

5) Digitization of your assigned working area

· Under the Digitization feature dataset, create a polygon feature class (e.g.

Land Cover). Associate its attributes to the domain properties of the database.

· Digitize the land cover and assign its type by using the domain properties o Repeat the topology check in 4) for your digitized land cover feature class o Apply topology check between your assigned working area and the land


· Repeat the above steps for digitizing the roads in your working area. Note: roads may be digitized as central line

· Check the topology of all three layers: your working area, land use, and roads.

5. Bonus tasks (max 2 additional points)

· Find an assignment area(s) that is next to yours and merge its digitization to yours to form a correct and consistent dataset.

6. Report and submission

· A lab report of max 2 pages that

· Presents your database design, topology rules and their effects, examples of your digitization

· Discuss issues and your solutions

· Other submissions

· Your geodatabase and your mxd file (please save it with ‘relative path’).

· For each digitized feature class (land use and street layers), submit the original digitization results (version 0), the final cleaned results, and the Topology of the final results (version n).

· All submissions in one zipped file.

7. Submission due

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