Question 1

The unspoken classroom socialization to the norms, values, and roles of a culture that school provides is referred to as:

[removed] Textbook socialization
[removed] Socialization curriculum
[removed] Curriculum of inequality
[removed] Hidden curriculum

Question 2

The study of social interaction as if it were governed by the norms of theatrical performance is referred to as:

[removed] Presentation of self
[removed] Theatrical socialization
[removed] Dramaturgical approach
[removed] Shakespearean social interaction

Question 3

Piaget’s idea that the ability to make logical decisions increases as a person grows older is referred to as:

[removed] Moral development
[removed] Logical progression
[removed] Cognitive development
[removed] Cognitive capacity progress

Question 4

What is the sociological definition of significant others?

[removed] Specific people important in a child’s life who have the greatest impact on their self-evaluation
[removed] Relationships characterized by intense emotional ties, face-to-face interaction, intimacy, and a strong, enduring sense of commitment
[removed] Those whose opinions provide the basis for how we judge our own attitudes or behaviors
[removed] People of similar age and social standing that influence our norms and values

Question 5

The idea that there exists an overarching structure within which culture and other aspects of society can be understood is referred to as:

[removed] Structural functionalism
[removed] Cultural structuralism
[removed] Structuralism
[removed] Institutionalism

Question 6

A group consisting of three people is referred to as:

[removed] Alliance
[removed] Trio
[removed] Triad
[removed] Triage

Question 7

The simplest group, consisting of two persons, is referred to as:

[removed] Pair
[removed] Dyad
[removed] Duo
[removed] Primary relationship

Question 8

The ability of groups to exclude outsiders participating in the group or enjoying group resources is referred to as:

[removed] Social exclusion
[removed] Social closure
[removed] Factioning
[removed] Clique capacity

Question 9

The argument that deviant behavior is little more than a product of the labels people attach to certain types of behavior is referred to as:

[removed] Catalogue theory
[removed] Association theory
[removed] Labeling theory
[removed] Criminal label theory

Question 10

The idea that conflicts generated by fundamental contradictions in the structure of society produce laws defining certain acts as deviant or criminal is referred to as:

[removed] Strain theory
[removed] Societal contradiction theory
[removed] Structural conflict theory
[removed] Structural contradiction theory

Question 11

Any behavior, practice, or condition that results in disapproval, hostility, or sanction if it becomes known is referred to as:

[removed] Crime
[removed] Deviation
[removed] Nonconformity
[removed] Deviance

Question 12

An act defined in the law as punishable by fines, imprisonment or both is referred to as:

[removed] Deviance
[removed] Law-breaking
[removed] Crime
[removed] Criminality

Question 13

The systematic ranking of different groups of people in a hierarchy of inequality is referred to as:

[removed] Social stratification
[removed] Social inequality
[removed] Class differences
[removed] Class status

Question 14

Areas that lack places that sell competitively priced, healthy, and fresh food are referred to as:

[removed] Food wastelands
[removed] Grocery deserts
[removed] Food deserts
[removed] Food insecure regions

Question 15

_____ refer to people who share a common characteristic without necessarily interacting or identifying with one another.

[removed] Social classes
[removed] Social groups
[removed] Subcultures
[removed] Social categories

Question 16

The number of deaths of infants under age 1 per 1000 live births per year is referred to as:

[removed] Infant mortality rate
[removed] Infant fertility rate
[removed] Birth-death rate
[removed] Birth mortality rate

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