Which of the following statements represents the null hypothesis for the hypothesis test appropriate for the data in the table above?

a.     There is a statistically significant difference in mean change in diastolic blood pressure between patients who receive therapeutic touch and patients who receive casual touch.

b.     Patients who receive therapeutic touch have a significantly greater change in diastolic blood pressure than patients who receive casual touch.

c.     There is no statistically significant difference in mean change in diastolic blood pressure between patients who receive therapeutic touch and patients who receive casual touch.

(can you show how to calculate this using excel?)

What is the statistical test to be used for the problem above?

a.     Independent t Test  

b.     Dependent t Test

c.     Mann-Whitney U Test

d.     Wilcoxon signed-rank Test

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal VariancesTherapeutic Touch Casual TouchMean7.86.933Variance8.742910.9238Observations1515Pooled Variance9.8333Hypothesized Mean Differencedf28t…

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