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Part 1: 75 words.
Quick Forum:
This week we spent a lot of time in England and France during the 1500s. We covered a variety
of groups, personalities, people and wars. For this quick forum, I want you to think about then
describe parts of this time period and events in this class so far that either surprised you or
inspired you.
Part 2: 75 words.
This week we spent a lot of time in England and France during the 1500s. We covered a variety
of groups, personalities, people and wars. For this quick forum, I want you to think about then
describe parts of this time period and events in this class so far that either surprised you or
inspired you.
Part 3: 150 words
Full Forum: Visual Guide to Reformation
This full forum is designed to further build the “Visual Reformation.” So, for this activity forum,
post (embed the image and do NOT attach) 2 images that you find interesting and connect this
image to what you have learned in the first three weeks of this class.
This image could be a map that displays information about population or growth, it would be a
picture of a building or city that is covered in the readings, it could be a painting about a major
event or individual, or it would be a document you found interesting.
Do not repeat an image that is already presented in the class or by another student. This
should be new information.
Include the image, a description of the image (what it is, where it is located, etc.) and also an
explanation of how it is connected to the information thus far in class. I have posted an example
in the blog-like format below.

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