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Introduction and Essential Concepts

Many governments throughout the world use various resources for ensuring its population to be  well-educated. A considerable percentage of the national budget is allocated towards education, and especially higher education.  Leaders in most countries believe education to be the principle source of economic mobility (Samuel 2013, 65). Therefore, there is a need for massive investment and concentration of resources towards education. Available information indicates that many countries around the world offer free and compulsory primary education. However, there are variations in providing university education. Scholars argue that university education should be used in equipping the learners to identify challenges in the society and provide solutions. As such, this level of teaching needs extensive resources in building the capacity of students.

Unfortunately, it has been observed that many universities around the world do not offer free education. Therefore, many skillful and talented students who cannot afford the cost of education in college do not proceed with higher education (Kerr 2006, 69). The high cost of academic education has created the perception that higher education is only a preserve of the wealthy. Also, many of the learners graduated from universities face serious student debts after the completion of their studies. Consequently, it has created the narrative that university education is and should remain a privileged good for the rich in society.


University education is a vital aspect of the school system that learners go through. Therefore, the  level of education enables learners to concentrate on areas of specialization, and on completion, students use the acquired knowledge and skills for improving the well-being of their society. Also, university education provides a platform where learners can interact with the existing societal challenges and on completion of their studies, offer real solutions. From inception, university scholarships have been used in equipping students in addressing existing challenges and have a foresight of any difficulties that may occur in the future. Indeed, university education should be free to accommodate the bright and underprivileged learners who cannot afford the current cost of university education (Godsey 2005, 83).

the analysis reveals that university education should be free to equip the majority of talented learners who in most cases cannot access this level of teaching due to cost implications. Although the management of most universities argues that the cost of education is competitively rated, it can be argued that this is not true. Unfortunately, the high cost of university education forces students to continually look for means of clearing paying the cost of education rather than to focus on the acquisition of knowledge and skills (Rosa 2006, 49).

Financing university education is a matter of political will. In most of the politicians’ manifestos, the leaders always promise their constituents that they will use their legislative powers to reduce the cost of university education. Unfortunately, it has not been the case. Making university education free will allow and encourage many learners to aspire for postsecondary academic credentials. Although it may be difficult to implement, a clear strategy and approach can make university education affordable if not free (Hanson 2014, 13). Therefore, it can be achieved by the management of universities looking for potential sponsors and partners to contribute towards the running and other operations of the universities. Many scholars argue that with proper funding programs coupled with sustained investments, universities can support both academic and non-academic programs within their institutions.

Why University Education Should Be Free

University education should be free to ensure that equal opportunities is accorded to all individuals who deserve them, especially learners. Students who cannot pay for university education may feel dissuaded by the system. In making university education free, all students will look forward to a time when they will graduate and give back to society.  An educated and productive workforce is the pride of any nation. To this end, many governments do everything in their capacity to equip its learners (Catto 2003, 65). Unfortunately, there exists an educational gap between the poor and the affluent in the modern society. Thus, it has led to the situation when people cannot afford university education engage in activities that often do not add value to the community. In making university education free, there will increase in the number of the enlightened populace who may not only rely on employment but can create jobs.

University education should be free so that it can tap and harness the broad range of talents from its population. Also, making university education free would indicate the government’s commitment towards eradication of poverty and illiteracy within its borders. However, free university education has its advantages and disadvantages. Overall, the benefits of free university education outweigh the negtaive issues.


Provision of higher education remains one of the core values of almost all governments. As the population grows, there is a need for provision of quality and affordable education to all. Currently, the cost of university education is unaffordable for most learners; thereby limiting the chances of talented students joining universities (Picower 2013, 44). Governments worldwide need to strategize and define ways in which university education can be free to all learners who qualify. However, all the approaches used in making university education free should not jeopardize the smooth operations of the universities. Courtesy of what free higher education can do to the learners and society, should university education be free?





Catto, G. (2003). Who should pay for higher education?. BMJ, 326(7387) 65Sa-65. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/apr/15/who-should-pay-for-university-education

Godsey, R. K. (2005). The courage factor: A collection of presidential essays. Macon, GA, Mercer University Press.

Hanson, C. (2014). Changing How We Think About the Goals of Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, 14(166) 7-13. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2014/feb/13/free-university-education-tuition-fees.

Kerr, L. (2006). Between caring & counting teachers take on education reform. Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Picower, B. (2013). Education should be free! Occupy the DOE!: Teacher activists involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Critical Studies in Education, 54(1) 44-56. Retrieved from: http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/949/economics/should-university-education-be-free/

Rosa, M. (2006). Is Opportunity Knocking?: Low-Income Students’ Perceptions of College and Financial Aid. American Behavioral Scientist, 49(12) 1670-1686. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2014/feb/13/free-university-education-tuition-fees

Samuel, R. (2013). Why public higher education should be free: how to decrease cost and increase quality at American universities.

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